Stephanie Krivohlavek
- Chair
1000 S. Main Wilber NE 68465 Phone 402-215-4615 |
1140 Lakeshore Dr. Crete, NE 68333 Phone: 402-826-9661 |
938 Maple St. Friend, NE 68359 Phone: 402-947-1986 |
- Vice Chair
315 N. Shimerda Wilber, NE 68465 Home: 402-821-2909 Cell: 402-821-7333 |
135 E. 23rd St. Crete, NE 68333 402-826-0192 |
The primary responsibilities of the County Board of Commissioners are: the management of county funds; care for county property; adoption of the county budget; setting of tax levies and salaries of elected and appointed county officials; administration of several programs established by state law.
Here are some FAQ’s regarding the Saline County Commissioners:
- Where is the Saline County Board of Commissioners Office located? The Saline County Commissioners Board Room is located on the second floor in the Saline County Courthouse at 204 South High Street, Wilber, NE 68465. You can also contact the County Board at (402) 821-2502.
- How many Commissioners are on the Saline County Board? Saline County has five Commissioners with each one representing a different district in the County.
- How long does each Saline County Commissioner serve? County Commissioners serve four-year terms. County Commissioners are elected. When a Commissioner is unable to complete his or her term, a committee made up of the County Attorney, County Clerk and County Treasurer appoint a successor for the remainder of the term.
- How often do the County Commissioners meet? Saline County Commissioners meet at the Saline County Courthouse 2nd floor board room every other Tuesdays beginning at 9:15 a.m.
- Are County Board meetings televised or video recorded? Yes, the meetings are streamed on our Facebook page, Saline County Nebraska. This is a courtesy and we cannot guarantee the quality of the video. A synopsis of every meeting is published in our local newspapers the week following the meeting. The proceedings are on file in the Saline County Clerk's office and are on our website.
- Can the public attend County Board meetings? Absolutely.
- How can I find out what is on the agenda for a commissioner meeting? This website has the meeting, agenda and minutes of previous meetings.